Data and AI in Healthcare – who benefits?

Data and AI in Healthcare – who benefits?

Data is considered by many to be the “new oil”. Prima facie, this is a fitting analogy. After all, data is capable of generating vast amounts of capital through its sale. However, there is an important distinction to make. Oil, a substance once thought...
An equitable health future

An equitable health future

“You’re managing too well to be put on that programme”. So said my doctor during my last diabetes checkup. There’s quite a bit to unpack there. You’re managing your health condition well (great). And as such you are not eligible for the...
Injecting a dose of optimism

Injecting a dose of optimism

There are good days and bad days. As I write this blog today is a good day. Blood glucose levels have been in range for 79% of time (close to standard). That honey glazed breakfast wasn’t a bad idea after all. But tomorrow could easily be a bad day or just a...
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