Preparing your organisation today for the opportunities and threats of tomorrow

We are a futures and policy consultancy. We are data and digital experts. We are trusted and approved suppliers to the public and private sector. 

Our future.ctrl product allows you to take command of your future. It is our end to end solution that delivers the change necessary to succeed in a changing world.

Let’s forge new fronts. Together.


We are a futures consultancy. Preparing you today for an uncertain new world.


› Future.Ctrl implementation
› Forecasting and horizon scanning
› Workshops, wargaming and redteaming


We shift populations towards preferred futures. Paving the way to deliver policy and strategy goals.


› Modelling
› Interventions
› Training and workshops


We deploy the latest digital tools to ensure our solutions have an impact. Our user-centered approach creates something unique for your organisation.


› Data dashboard
› Platform creation
› Agile delivery


We use analytics in everything we do, making policy recommendations founded on facts. Putting data at the heart of our work delivers targeted change.


› Insight and analysis
› Visualisation
› Collection


We judge success on how well you thrive after we have left. Our legacy is to leave you up-skilled and self-sufficient.


› Policy advisory and delivery
› Public sector governance reform
› Government and stakeholder relations

Who we are

ForgeFront is a team of experienced policy and futures experts created by founding members of the Cabinet Office’s Priority Projects Unit, a team which deals with the Department’s most important and high-profile policy and project challenges. future.ctrl is based on colleagues’ experience working in a range of UK Government departments, for the European Union and with a number of large organisations in the private and third sector.

Who we are

ForgeFront is a team of experienced policy and futures experts created by founding members of the Cabinet Office’s Priority Projects Unit, a team which deals with the Department’s most important and high-profile policy and project challenges. future.ctrl is based on colleagues’ experience working in a range of UK Government departments, for the European Union and with a number of large organisations in the private and third sector.





Our directors’ experience

Let’s forge new fronts. Together.

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